The recent event titled “How to Build Your Brand and Use the NARI Brand as a Competitive Advantage” was a resounding success, attracting 36 eager attendees keen on enhancing their branding knowledge. Hosted by Diane Welhouse, CKBR, CPC of Welhouse Consulting LLC, the event delved into the intricacies of effective branding strategies.

Throughout the session, attendees were treated to a wealth of practical insights, uncovering various features of the NARI Brand that were previously unknown to them. Diane Welhouse, with her extensive experience spanning over two decades, brought a wealth of expertise to the table. Her background in strategic and operational business consulting, leadership coaching, and her tenure as Executive Director of NARI Milwaukee lent invaluable depth to the discussion.

From discussions on business operating systems to fostering high-performance cultures, Welhouse’s expertise shone through. Attendees left the event not only enlightened but also enthused to implement the newfound knowledge into their own branding endeavors. With Diane Welhouse at the helm, the event proved to be an enriching experience, offering attendees practical tools to elevate their branding efforts and leverage the NARI Brand as a competitive edge in their respective industries.